Kullu Manali Himachal Pardesh is 360 Kms from Ambala. From Chandigarh to Manali distance is approx 350 Kms. Delhi to Manali distance is 550 Kms. Volvo Buses for Manali are available from Delhi and Chandigarh. Cab / Taxi services for Manali is also available from Ambala and Chandigarh. To know more about how to reach manali from Delhi, Ambala and Chandigarh please Click here |
Kullu Manali is situated on the banks of Beas River. Manali Local sight seeing includes Hadinmba Temple, Vashisth Temple, Rohtang pass and Solang Valley. Manali is also famous for camping, rafting and paragliding. Rafting in Manali can be enjoyed at Pirdi near Kullu, Paragliding and skiing in manali can be enjoyed in Solangvalley or Rohtangpass area. For more information for adventure sports in Manali pls click here
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in Manikaran |